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- # -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- "%d min remaining to read": "%d minuuttia lukuaikaa",
- "(active)": "(aktiivinen)",
- "Also available in:": "Saatavilla myös:",
- "Archive": "Arkisto",
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- "No posts found.": "Postauksia ei löytynyt.",
- "Nothing found.": "Ei hakutuloksia.",
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- "Original site": "Alkuperäinen sivusto",
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- "Posts about %s": "Postauksia aiheesta %s",
- "Posts by %s": "",
- "Posts for year %s": "Postauksia vuodelta %s",
- "Posts for {month} {day}, {year}": "",
- "Posts for {month} {year}": "Postauksia ajalle {month} {year}",
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- "Write your post here.": "",
- "old posts, page %d": "vanhoja postauksia, sivu %d",
- "page %d": "sivu %d",
- }