@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
const CLIENT_MESSAGE: u8 = xcb::CLIENT_MESSAGE | 0x80; // 0x80 flag for client messages
pub struct Tray {
- tx: chan::Sender<()>,
+ tx: chan::Sender<widget::WidgetMessage>,
conn: Arc<x11::Connection>,
window: xcb::Window,
children: Vec<xcb::Window>,
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ pub struct Tray {
impl Tray {
- pub fn new(tx: chan::Sender<()>, conn: Arc<x11::Connection>, window: xcb::Window) -> Tray {
+ pub fn new(tx: chan::Sender<widget::WidgetMessage>, conn: Arc<x11::Connection>, window: xcb::Window) -> Tray {
Tray {
conn: conn,
tx: tx,
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ impl Tray {
self.force_size(window, None);
- self.tx.send(());
+ self.tx.send(widget::WidgetMessage::Relayout);
pub fn forget(&mut self, window: xcb::Window) {
self.children.retain(|child| *child != window);
- self.tx.send(());
+ self.tx.send(widget::WidgetMessage::Relayout);
pub fn force_size(&self, window: xcb::Window, dimensions: Option<(u16, u16)>) {
@@ -97,47 +97,51 @@ impl widget::Widget for Tray {
- fn handle_event(&mut self, event: &xcb::GenericEvent) -> bool {
- match event.response_type() {
- xcb::PROPERTY_NOTIFY if self.timestamp == 0 => {
- let event: &xcb::PropertyNotifyEvent = unsafe { xcb::cast_event(&event) };
- if !self.take_selection(event.time()) {
- println!("Could not take ownership of tray selection. Maybe another tray is also running?");
- return true
- }
- },
- let event: &xcb::ClientMessageEvent = unsafe { xcb::cast_event(&event) };
- if event.type_() == self.conn.atom(x11::_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE) {
- let data = event.data().data32();
- let opcode = data[1];
- let window = data[2];
- if opcode == 0 {
- self.adopt(window);
- }
- }
- },
- let event: &xcb::ReparentNotifyEvent = unsafe { xcb::cast_event(&event) };
- if event.parent() != self.window {
- self.forget(event.window());
- }
- },
- xcb::DESTROY_NOTIFY => {
- let event: &xcb::DestroyNotifyEvent = unsafe { xcb::cast_event(&event) };
- self.forget(event.window());
- },
- let event: &xcb::ConfigureNotifyEvent = unsafe { xcb::cast_event(&event) };
- let window = event.window();
- if window != self.window {
- self.force_size(window, Some((event.width(), event.height())));
- }
- },
- self.finish();
- },
- _ => {}
+ fn handle_event(&mut self, event: &widget::WidgetMessage) -> bool {
+ match event {
+ &widget::WidgetMessage::XcbEvent(ref event) =>
+ match event.response_type() {
+ xcb::PROPERTY_NOTIFY if self.timestamp == 0 => {
+ let event: &xcb::PropertyNotifyEvent = unsafe { xcb::cast_event(&event) };
+ if !self.take_selection(event.time()) {
+ println!("Could not take ownership of tray selection. Maybe another tray is also running?");
+ return true
+ }
+ },
+ let event: &xcb::ClientMessageEvent = unsafe { xcb::cast_event(&event) };
+ if event.type_() == self.conn.atom(x11::_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE) {
+ let data = event.data().data32();
+ let opcode = data[1];
+ let window = data[2];
+ if opcode == 0 {
+ self.adopt(window);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ let event: &xcb::ReparentNotifyEvent = unsafe { xcb::cast_event(&event) };
+ if event.parent() != self.window {
+ self.forget(event.window());
+ }
+ },
+ xcb::DESTROY_NOTIFY => {
+ let event: &xcb::DestroyNotifyEvent = unsafe { xcb::cast_event(&event) };
+ self.forget(event.window());
+ },
+ let event: &xcb::ConfigureNotifyEvent = unsafe { xcb::cast_event(&event) };
+ let window = event.window();
+ if window != self.window {
+ self.force_size(window, Some((event.width(), event.height())));
+ }
+ },
+ self.finish();
+ },
+ _ => {}
+ },
+ _ => {}