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		<span class="dateline">Posted: <time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2013-11-27">2013-11-27</time></span>
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		<p>I&rsquo;ve always thought that people were just too lazy to change their SSIDs when I see &ldquo;PLDTMyDSLBizCafeJapan&rdquo;. It became apparent when we got our own PLDT line that it was because the bundled router/modem <em>does not</em> allow you to remove the prefix.</p>
<p>This is not the kind of thing you expect as a business customer. Even for home customers, I feel it&rsquo;s still a bit dishonest. I&rsquo;d be fine if it was just the default SSID, but forcing people to have it as part of their SSID is like advertising that your company (I mean PLDT) is a douche.</p>
<p>Of course, we couldn&rsquo;t just leave the SSID prefix there, so we tried a number of things to get rid of it. There are articles for removing it from the <a href="http://www.phandroidinternet.com/2013/06/how-to-remove-on-wifi-name-or-ssid-on.html">Prolink H5004N</a> or the <a href="http://www.symbianize.com/showthread.php?t=730091">ZyXEL P-660HN-T1A</a> but not for the one we got which was the ZyXEL P-2612HNU-F1F.</p>
<p>We did still try the firebug/inspector tricks, but it seems that there is a server-side check that adds in the &ldquo;PLDTMyDSLBiz&rdquo;. We tried a number of things, but the one that ultimately worked (and we had a good laugh about) was to backup the configuration, edit the dumped file and restore it.</p>
<p>The backup is actually just an XML file. You can search for SSID and change the parameter there. It&rsquo;s a bit annoying because the router has to restart after restoring the configuration, but it works!</p>
<p>A minor note, the router doesn&rsquo;t seem to support SSIDs with a comma (,) well. It just gets everything before the comma as the SSID for some reason.</p>

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