use atom; use xcb; pub enum HorizontalAlign { Left, Right } pub enum VerticalAlign { Top, Bottom } pub type Position = (VerticalAlign, HorizontalAlign); pub const TOP_LEFT: Position = (VerticalAlign::Top, HorizontalAlign::Left); pub const TOP_RIGHT: Position = (VerticalAlign::Top, HorizontalAlign::Right); pub const BOTTOM_LEFT: Position = (VerticalAlign::Bottom, HorizontalAlign::Left); pub const BOTTOM_RIGHT: Position = (VerticalAlign::Bottom, HorizontalAlign::Right); const CLIENT_MESSAGE: u8 = xcb::CLIENT_MESSAGE | 0x80; // 0x80 flag for client messages const SYSTEM_TRAY_REQUEST_DOCK: u32 = 0; const SYSTEM_TRAY_BEGIN_MESSAGE: u32 = 1; const SYSTEM_TRAY_CANCEL_MESSAGE: u32 = 2; pub struct Tray<'a> { conn: &'a xcb::Connection, atoms: &'a atom::Atoms<'a>, screen: usize, icon_size: u16, position: Position, bg: u32, window: xcb::Window, children: Vec, timestamp: xcb::Timestamp, finishing: bool } impl<'a> Tray<'a> { pub fn new<'b>( conn: &'b xcb::Connection, atoms: &'b atom::Atoms, screen: usize, icon_size: u16, position: Position, bg: u32 ) -> Tray<'b> { Tray::<'b> { conn: conn, atoms: atoms, screen: screen, icon_size: icon_size, position: position, bg: bg, window: conn.generate_id(), children: vec![], timestamp: 0, finishing: false } } pub fn create(&self) { let setup = self.conn.get_setup(); let screen = setup.roots().nth(self.screen).unwrap(); xcb::create_window( &self.conn, xcb::COPY_FROM_PARENT as u8, self.window, screen.root(), 0, 0, self.icon_size, self.icon_size, 0, xcb::WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT as u16, screen.root_visual(), &[ (xcb::CW_BACK_PIXEL,, (xcb::CW_EVENT_MASK, xcb::EVENT_MASK_PROPERTY_CHANGE) ] ); self.set_property( self.atoms.get(atom::_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE), xcb::ATOM_ATOM, 32, &[self.atoms.get(atom::_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK)] ); self.set_property( xcb::ATOM_WM_NAME, xcb::ATOM_STRING, 8, ::PROGRAM.as_bytes() ); self.set_property( xcb::ATOM_WM_CLASS, xcb::ATOM_STRING, 8, format!("{0}\0{0}", ::PROGRAM).as_bytes() ); self.set_property( self.atoms.get(atom::_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_ORIENTATION), xcb::ATOM_CARDINAL, 32, &[0 as u32] // 0 is horizontal, 1 is vertical ); self.conn.flush(); } pub fn set_property(&self, name: xcb::Atom, type_: xcb::Atom, format: u8, data: &[T]) { xcb::change_property( self.conn, xcb::PROP_MODE_REPLACE as u8, self.window, name, type_, format, data ); } pub fn is_selection_available(&self) -> bool { let selection = self.atoms.get(atom::_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S0); let owner = xcb::get_selection_owner(self.conn, selection).get_reply().unwrap().owner(); owner == xcb::NONE } pub fn take_selection(&mut self, timestamp: xcb::Timestamp) -> bool { let selection = self.atoms.get(atom::_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S0); xcb::set_selection_owner(self.conn, self.window, selection, timestamp); let owner = xcb::get_selection_owner(self.conn, selection).get_reply().unwrap().owner(); let ok = owner == self.window; if ok { self.timestamp = timestamp; let setup = self.conn.get_setup(); let screen = setup.roots().nth(self.screen).unwrap(); let client_event = xcb::ClientMessageEvent::new( 32, // 32 bits (refers to data) screen.root(), self.atoms.get(atom::MANAGER), xcb::ClientMessageData::from_data32([timestamp, selection, self.window, 0, 0]) ); xcb::send_event(self.conn, false, screen.root(), xcb::EVENT_MASK_STRUCTURE_NOTIFY, &client_event); self.conn.flush(); } ok } pub fn adopt(&mut self, window: xcb::Window) { let offset = (self.children.len() as u16 * self.icon_size) as i16; xcb::change_window_attributes(self.conn, window, &[ (xcb::CW_EVENT_MASK, xcb::EVENT_MASK_STRUCTURE_NOTIFY) ]); xcb::reparent_window(self.conn, window, self.window, offset, 0); xcb::map_window(self.conn, window); self.force_size(window, None); self.conn.flush(); self.children.push(window); self.reposition(); } pub fn forget(&mut self, window: xcb::Window) { self.children.retain(|child| *child != window); for (index, child) in self.children.iter().enumerate() { let window = *child; let xpos = index as u32 * self.icon_size as u32; xcb::configure_window(&self.conn, window, &[ (xcb::CONFIG_WINDOW_X as u16, xpos) ]); } self.reposition(); } pub fn force_size(&self, window: xcb::Window, dimensions: Option<(u16, u16)>) { let dimensions = dimensions.unwrap_or_else(|| { let geometry = xcb::get_geometry(self.conn, window).get_reply().unwrap(); (geometry.width(), geometry.height()) }); if dimensions != (self.icon_size, self.icon_size) { xcb::configure_window(self.conn, window, &[ (xcb::CONFIG_WINDOW_WIDTH as u16, self.icon_size as u32), (xcb::CONFIG_WINDOW_HEIGHT as u16, self.icon_size as u32) ]); self.conn.flush(); } } pub fn reposition(&self) { let width = self.children.len() as u16 * self.icon_size; if width > 0 { let setup = self.conn.get_setup(); let screen = setup.roots().nth(self.screen).unwrap(); let (ref valign, ref halign) = self.position; let y = match valign { &VerticalAlign::Top => 0, &VerticalAlign::Bottom => screen.height_in_pixels() - self.icon_size }; let x = match halign { &HorizontalAlign::Left => 0, &HorizontalAlign::Right => screen.width_in_pixels() - width }; xcb::configure_window(self.conn, self.window, &[ (xcb::CONFIG_WINDOW_X as u16, x as u32), (xcb::CONFIG_WINDOW_Y as u16, y as u32), (xcb::CONFIG_WINDOW_WIDTH as u16, width as u32) ]); xcb::map_window(self.conn, self.window); } else { xcb::unmap_window(self.conn, self.window); } self.conn.flush(); } pub fn finish(&mut self) { self.finishing = true; let setup = self.conn.get_setup(); let screen = setup.roots().nth(self.screen).unwrap(); let root = screen.root(); for child in self.children.iter() { let window = *child; xcb::change_window_attributes(self.conn, window, &[ (xcb::CW_EVENT_MASK, xcb::EVENT_MASK_NO_EVENT) ]); xcb::unmap_window(self.conn, window); xcb::reparent_window(self.conn, window, root, 0, 0); } xcb::change_window_attributes(self.conn, self.window, &[ (xcb::CW_EVENT_MASK, xcb::EVENT_MASK_STRUCTURE_NOTIFY) ]); xcb::destroy_window(self.conn, self.window); self.conn.flush(); } pub fn handle_event(&mut self, event: xcb::GenericEvent) -> Option { if self.finishing { self.handle_event_finishing(event) } else { self.handle_event_normal(event) } } fn handle_event_normal(&mut self, event: xcb::GenericEvent) -> Option { match event.response_type() { xcb::PROPERTY_NOTIFY if self.timestamp == 0 => { let event: &xcb::PropertyNotifyEvent = xcb::cast_event(&event); if !self.take_selection(event.time()) { println!("Could not take ownership of tray selection. Maybe another tray is also running?"); return Some(::EXIT_FAILED_SELECT) } }, CLIENT_MESSAGE => { let event: &xcb::ClientMessageEvent = xcb::cast_event(&event); if event.type_() == self.atoms.get(atom::_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE) { let data =; let opcode = data[1]; let window = data[2]; match opcode { SYSTEM_TRAY_REQUEST_DOCK => { self.adopt(window); }, SYSTEM_TRAY_BEGIN_MESSAGE => {}, SYSTEM_TRAY_CANCEL_MESSAGE => {}, _ => { unreachable!("Invalid opcode") } } } }, xcb::REPARENT_NOTIFY => { let event: &xcb::ReparentNotifyEvent = xcb::cast_event(&event); if event.parent() != self.window { self.forget(event.window()); } }, xcb::DESTROY_NOTIFY => { let event: &xcb::DestroyNotifyEvent = xcb::cast_event(&event); self.forget(event.window()); }, xcb::CONFIGURE_NOTIFY => { let event: &xcb::ConfigureNotifyEvent = xcb::cast_event(&event); self.force_size(event.window(), Some((event.width(), event.height()))); }, xcb::SELECTION_CLEAR => { self.finish(); }, _ => {} } None } fn handle_event_finishing(&mut self, event: xcb::GenericEvent) -> Option { if event.response_type() == xcb::DESTROY_NOTIFY { let event: &xcb::DestroyNotifyEvent = xcb::cast_event(&event); if event.window() == self.window { return Some(0) } } None } }