# Typingfreaks This is a clone of an old flash game called TypingMania. It's a speed typing game where you type lyrics (typically in Japanese) in time with the song. There are many differences from the original and full compatibility is not a goal. * scoring is different (still in flux) * you're allowed to skip a single character, this is to make finishing the songs more feasible but counts as a miss * the displayed text is in Hepburn romanization but still supports other romanizations for input * YouTube support for songs (still experimental) * waiting sections can be skipped You might also be interested in [innocenat's clone][1]. ## Gameplay Instructions The initial screen shows available songs. You can navigate left/right through folders and up/down through songs. Space or enter will select a song. Escape or backspace can be used to go back out. ## Install Get the [latest release][2] and unzip it. Edit the `levels.json` with your own songs. Then simply serve it as a static site. ### Config You can use the [online editor][3] for most changes. There are some minor things it doesn't support changing yet. In that case, you will have to edit it by hand. The [config](assets/levels.json) is a simple JSON file with the following properties: The following accept any CSS color * `background` - the default background * `baseColor` - base color of all text and UI elements * `highlightColor` - accent color mainly for selections The following let you customize the sound effects by specifying files relative to the `index.html`. Defaults are provided so there's no need to modify them unless you want to. * `selectSound` - sound effect when navigating * `decideSound` - sound effect when entering a song The `levelSets` property describes the "folder" structure. It expects an array of the following: * `name` - name of the folder * `levels` - an array of level data Level data has the following properties (a lot of the weird naming is inherited from TypingMania). * `name` - name of the song * `creator` - artist of the song * `genre` - "genre" of the song, but can be used for anything * `difficulty` - a number to show beside the song * `audio` - path to the audio file or a youtube video * `background` - path to an image to serve as the background, if not specified, it shows the video otherwise just uses the default background * `songLink` - a link back to the source of the song * `lines` - array containing lyrics and timing data Lines contain the following properties: * `kanji` - display lyrics of the song, has no effect on the game * `kana` - the kana for the lyrics, this is what's used for the game * `start` - start time of the segment in seconds * `end` - end time of the segment in seconds If `audio` is not specified, `lines` does not need to specify timing information. It will just act like a normal untimed typing game. ### TypingMania If the `levels.json` property in `index.html` is changed to a folder instead, we try to load the folder assuming it contains TypingMania data (`settings.xml`, `folderlist.xml`, etc.). I haven't tested this extensively so there could be incompatibilities. ## Editor There is an [online editor][3] available. It lets you create a full config from scratch and then download the JSON file. For fast testing, it's also possible to go to try out the editor's config in the game by appending `?from=editor` to the game URL. For the online editor, that would be [here][4]. Note that this is all in browser, sharing the link with someone else will simply error out. ## Build Instructions The project is a vanilla typescript project. Simply run: ``` npm install npm run build ``` [1]: https://github.com/innocenat/typingmania [2]: https://github.com/thatsmydoing/typingfreaks/releases/latest [3]: https://typingfreaks.pleasantprogrammer.com/editor.html [4]: https://typingfreaks.pleasantprogrammer.com/?from=editor