angular.module('tabooServices', []) .factory('Timer', function($interval) { var promise; var service = { count: 0, endTime: 0, remainingTime: function() { var ms = service.endTime - new Date().getTime(); return Math.round(Math.max(0, ms) / 1000); }, start: function(duration) { if(service.remainingTime() > 0) $interval.cancel(promise); var now = new Date().getTime(); service.endTime = now + duration * 1000; service.count = duration; promise = $interval(function() { service.count = service.remainingTime(); }, 1000, duration); } } return service; }) .factory('Taboo', function($rootScope, Chat, Timer) { var game = {}; game.startRound = function() { Chat.send('/start'); }; game.status = function() { Chat.send('/status'); }; game.taboo = function() { Chat.send('/taboo'); }; game.correct = function() { Chat.send('/correct'); }; game.pass = function() { Chat.send('/pass'); }; game.roundStart = function(round) { game.pendingRound = false; game.round = round; game.points = 0; Timer.start(game.round.remainingTime); }; game.roundEnd = function() { game.pendingRound = false; game.round = null; game.card = null; }; game.isMonitor = function() { return game.round.monitors.indexOf(Chat.username) >= 0; }; game.isPlayer = function() { return == Chat.username; }; game.roundRunning = function() { return game.round != null; } $rootScope.$on('ws:connected', init); $rootScope.$on('ws:message', onmessage); function init() { game.teamA = null; game.teamB = null; game.card = null; game.points = 0; game.pendingRound = false; game.roundStarted = false; game.round = null; game.timer = Timer; game.status(); } if(Chat.isConnected()) { init(); } function onmessage(event, message) { if(message.kind == "point") { var text = ""; if(message.action == "correct") { text = message.user + " got it!"; } else if(message.action == "correctp") { text = "Let's take "+message.user+"'s word that someone got it."; } else if(message.action == "invalid") { text = "Uh-uh! You said a taboo word."; } else if(message.action == "pass") { text = "Tsk tsk. "" passed."; } else if(message.action == "taboo") { text = "Oh no! "+message.user+" has called "" out."; } text += " The last word was "+message.card.word+"."; gmMessage(text); game.points = message.points; } else if(message.kind == "abuse") { var text = ""; if(message.action == "correctp") { text = message.user+" is abusing the correct button. Nobody has even tried to guess yet."; } else if(message.action == "taboo") { text = message.user+" is abusing the taboo button. "" hasn't even said anything yet."; } gmMessage(text); } else if(message.kind == "roundReady") { gmMessage("Next round, the player will be "+message.player); if(message.player == Chat.username) { game.pendingRound = true; } } else if(message.kind == "roundStart") { gmMessage("Start game!"); game.roundStart(message.round); } else if(message.kind == "roundEnd") { if(message.card) { gmMessage("Time's up! The last word was "+message.card.word+"."); } gmMessage("The round has ended. The team got "+message.points+"."); game.roundEnd(); } else if(message.kind == "card") { game.card = message.card; } else if(message.kind == "status" || message.kind == "join" || message.kind == "quit") { updateStatus(message); } } function updateStatus(message) { game.teamA = message.teamA; game.teamB = message.teamB; game.round = message.round; game.pendingRound = (message.pendingPlayer == Chat.username); if(game.round) { Timer.start(game.round.remainingTime); } } function gmMessage(message) { Chat.receive("gm", "*GM", message); } return game; });