import { DB } from ""; import { User, Tweet, TweetSchema } from "./twitter.ts"; export abstract class Store { saveTweet(tweet: Tweet) { this.saveSingleTweet(tweet); this.saveUser(tweet.user); if (tweet.quoted_status !== undefined) { this.saveTweet(tweet.quoted_status); } if (tweet.retweeted_status !== undefined) { this.saveTweet(tweet.retweeted_status); } } abstract saveSingleTweet(tweet: Tweet): void; abstract saveUser(user: User): void; abstract getLatestTweet(authorId: string): Tweet | null; abstract getLatestTweets(authorId: string, olderThanId: string, newerThan: Date): Tweet[]; abstract getAuthorId(username: string): string | null; } function dateToEpoch(dateStr: string | Date) { const date = typeof dateStr === 'string' ? new Date(dateStr) : dateStr; return Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000); } export class SqliteStore extends Store { private db: DB; constructor(path: string) { super(); this.db = new DB(path); this.db.query(` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tweets ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, author_id INTEGER NOT NULL, created_at INTEGER NOT NULL, tweet TEXT NOT NULL, fetched_at INTEGER NOT NULL ); `); this.db.query(` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE ); `); } saveSingleTweet(tweet: Tweet) { this.db.query("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tweets VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [ BigInt(tweet.id_str), BigInt(tweet.user.id_str), dateToEpoch(tweet.created_at), JSON.stringify(tweet), dateToEpoch(new Date()), ]); } saveUser(user: User) { this.db.query("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO users VALUES (?, ?)", [ BigInt(user.id_str), user.screen_name, ]); } getLatestTweet(authorId: string): Tweet | null { const result = this.db.query<[string]>(` SELECT tweet FROM tweets WHERE author_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 `, [ BigInt(authorId) ]); if (result.length === 0) { return null; } else { const tweet = JSON.parse(result[0][0]); return TweetSchema.parse(tweet); } } getLatestTweets(authorId: string, olderThanId: string, newerThan: Date): Tweet[] { const result = this.db.query<[string]>(` SELECT tweet FROM tweets WHERE author_id = ? AND id < ? AND created_at > ? ORDER BY id DESC `, [ BigInt(authorId), BigInt(olderThanId), dateToEpoch(newerThan) ]); return result .map(([ tweetStr ]) => { const tweet = JSON.parse(tweetStr); return TweetSchema.parse(tweet); }) .filter(({ in_reply_to_user_id_str }) => { return in_reply_to_user_id_str === null || in_reply_to_user_id_str === authorId; }); } getAuthorId(username: string): string | null { const result = this.db.query<[BigInt]>(` SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 `, [ username ]); if (result.length === 0) { return null; } else { return result[0][0].toString(); } } }